Çerez Örnek
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Department of Histology and Embryology gives lectures to; Ege University Faculty of Medicine (1st-2nd-3rd and 4th grade), Faculty of Dentistry (2nd and 3rd grade), Faculty of Nursing (1st grade), Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Midwifery.

Departmental Facilities

Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Histology and Embryology; continues its educational, teaching and research activities with the increasing momentum in its new campus in the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine in 2001. Department has light microscopy and immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy laboratories and molecular embryology laboratory. Various multidisciplinary studies are carried out in these laboratories, mainly experimental molecular researches; Theses, research projects and auxiliary studies for patient diagnosis are on progress.

Research Assistant Education Process

Research assistants take both the specialty examination in medicine and the examination among graduate students. In our department, education is carried out depending on the curriculum. The specialty training in medicine is carried out under the supervision of faculty members and within the scope of an assistant report card. The training period is 3 years for medical students. Graduate education is carried out under the Institute of Health Sciences program. Graduate education process is 2 years for graduate students and 4 years for doctoral students.




Ege Üniversitesi